Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Rest in Peace Agnita "Aget" Barley...Granny.

With grace
With grace -
She bred life
An incomparable reflection and subtle, yet intense manifestation -
of her strength
of her beauty
of her image: both outside and within.
With grace -
She fought. No,
in a daring struggle, she challenged life: her life
her strength
her beauty
her image...never in vain.

In this subtle, yet oh so intense battle...she won,
With an incomparable grace -
a grace that will guide her strong and beautiful soul,
to her most heavenly reflection,
in a place where her strong and beautiful image will eternally shine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Freeing like the coconut - mango scent
melting into my fresh - au natural - cacao skin.
I swim - into his caramel dolce vita...
oh!how sweet he free he makes me - to be...
me - whether sour or seemingly sweet.
...bon appetit!

*This is just me getting a little yea it could be tighter:better.

Monday, December 19, 2005


I am talking to you about poetry
and you say
when do we eat.
The worst of it is
I'm hungry too.
Yo te hablo de poesía
y vos me preguntás
a qué hora comemos.
Lo peor es que
yo también tengo hambre.
-Alicia Partnoy
...going through a little writers block...bullshit I just have absolutely nothing to write about...but this piece I read on the train-of all places, has inspired, yes inspired, me...maybe.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Behind the Music

Caught between the treble and the bass of my favorite song.
I melt, into my misinterpretation of the light hearted lyrics.
Remembering a past love-
Remembering a simple time...boy, ignorance was the shit.
Dusting off, who I was or who my misguided mind forced myself me to be-
I recognize
I know longer maintain ugly regrets.
Regretting love: insignificant.
Regretting my simple mind and simple times: even more so.
I realize, all I really want is a simple kind of life.
A beautiful life - a beautiful song - my favorite song...I want this to be my favorite life.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

le color de amor...noir!*

It was a cold winter
numbing all it came into contact with
contending the world with a weapon so vicious
it left them all, from the birds to the UPS man
in an eternal state of hibernation
but there was one girl left
left in an agitated state of unrest
roaming through the seemingly non existant mass of humanity
she realized she was alone
until she saw him there
dynamic in his inanimated state
she went over to him, slowly
a vibrant demeanor took over his face
as though he knew she was there with him
despite his current condition
beautiful on the outside
she knew the inside must have been just so
so she kneeled down to him and placed her hands gently on his face
his glow grew instantly, reflecting into her dark eyes
instantly, without any rational hesitation she kissed his lips
realizing her mind was being taken into another dimension
realizing not only was she kissing him, but he was kissing her back
realizing he was holding her with a tight, yet care-full grip
realizing his dark chocolate mint kisses although, rather bittersweet
easily warmed and peeled away
at the aluminum foil wrapping
right off her frost bitten heart
she came to yet another realization - she wasn't alone anymore
even better, she realized he was alive and conscious
and conscious of her and how her eyes gave off this familiar radiance
smiling, he held her closer
and together they illuminated the whole world
by sharing this moment they shared with each other,
with the world in its condition of obscurity
gave it color, life in all kinds of indescribable hues
a mirror of them
and their love.

*Ok...I just wrote this title only cause it rhymed....and this piece is long as hell and very very rough i don't think it immediately makes any typpa kinna sense!!?!