Thursday, April 27, 2006

The its shell...gazing out at the shore...under its blanket of sand, rocks and seaweed...

Drifting back into that *sentimental mood*
Seeing everything in that mellow shade of blue
I wander
My mind wanders to you
My long lost love
My love at first sight
My undiscovered love...I long to see you
In every shade of blue
Warm my soul love
Melt my soul to the same intense saturation as your mind
Your cool - maybe too cool mind
Your I don't give a damn but care-full mind
Your khaki downed mentality moves me
To be free
of my blacks and whites
and rather
embrace my gray
my dull gray which coincidently surpasses the brightness of a sunshine yellow May day love's calling...I'll be shining my grays sometime soon - around your way

uh...i kinda got lost at the end...ah well


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