Sunday, July 31, 2005


running around the curve of the track
it came to me
like pollen blowing in the wind from flower to flower
his sweet scent
his sweat scent
overpoweringly--stank.but, beautifully so
i can admit it, i honestly loved it...
i revelled in it
i felt renewed in it
i can love again
i can honestly love him again
because i know, i love it--it
revelling in his love
feeling renewed in his love
ok, i admit
i love him
again...and again

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

All We Are is Dust in the Wind*

The wind, fiercely blowing through her curly/nappy/frizzy/gi-normous hair
soothes me.

The wind is free -
traveling up and through everything...anything it pleases to touch, to feel
My hair is let loose -
each strand straying in every possible direction,
reaching out to heaven and hell...
and everything lost between them both.
She is free
She is loose
She sees the world unbound
however, she willingly invites herself
without the shackles of doubt and chains of fear
She is naked
but nonetheless filled with an energy
aching to destroy
sorry, create...the world
her world
her way, because
She is free, she is loose, she is naked
She is the wind.

*Pardon me once more, that gahdamn song is stuck in my head. It's great, but how do I even know that song!!?!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Wedding Day*

How is it love can shine our day brighter than a mid-day sun...streaming its rays down on everyone who lays its eyes on intense yet its calmness its stillness speaks to us with this unexplained passion. it is love it is a feeling for a another a feeling we are able to semi-realize and not quite understand, that is housed within our selves that seeps, having no where to go but out out to our one desire and out to those who need the hope of love making its way to those who simply need just a quarter inch more love to feel complete. it is defeating it is defining it is strong it is serene...surreal yet so real in our minds and beyond that...that we comprehend just enough to act on it causing a never ending wave of love...of heat...of life...just like that enormous ball of fire, that energy...up in those neverminding skies.

*I definitely have love on my mind, I just came back from my cousin's wedding...damn what happen to the days when I was young when weddings were about sitting in a hot ass church and then eating some good food and partying!!?! Now my ass is coming back thinking about boy...i'm officially becoming a woman...dammit!!?!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

who am I...I, I say???

trying to distance myself from the sky i drift
falling into my own world my own self
i am lost
in an unsoiled place
no one knows
no one goes
somewhere--where they are not welcome
welcome to learn understand grow
to grow with you is what i desire
to branch out and, live
with and all up and through the world
maybe even taking on the universe
as our playing field
the game...
or maybe we could try a hand at sharing each other's passions
for everything
for each other
for our selves...
our true selves
our passion for us for I
if only I could find myself
if only I knew myself
I could have you
and you could honestly have me, I.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

@5:10 pm (I exist)

the clock stopped
as did my heart
my mind came to a halt
then slowly melted
my thoughts
oozing down my face
i think therefore i am therefore i think
i am
in love
i am
in love with love
I think I am in love with you...drip drip SPLASH!!?!

Friday, July 15, 2005

She lies. To everyone. Including herself!!?!

clinging to a past better forgotten he kisses her constatnly not knowing/realizing/sensing the disdain she holds within this exchange hate is a better word but hate is STRONG unlike their love easily created easily ripped broken and quickly mask taped and mended again and forever again why why why...why doesn't she leave she is evil? no she is afraid she fears the path to a brighter future controlled only by destiny...and her--control she shys away from because she fears cliffs, fork in the roads, steep mountains, she cowers at the sight of the horizon she fears life so she chooses instant death no...she chooses stability

When Red Met Purple...

my shell my gatekeeper taunts my open heart not open but forever pleading...pleading to run the circumference of the earth, longing to kiss every other star with that special glow...a glow that lifts our spirits--higher than an atmosphere with zero gravity ever could could i rise could i bathe in the lavender and fire engine red sky could i feel the heat of the sun swirling around and hugging my body cleansing my dusty heart willing to be free to beat tolovefreely