Thursday, August 30, 2007

i wonder if i take u home>>>will u respect me in the morning???

i dive into a heart that really matters
into waters that lead to rivers
and rivers that lead into oceans
that lead into other oceans
in other worlds
allowing me to taste
scones in the earl grey thames
followed by the smell of croissants
flowing off the aude basin
and right into the wheat fields along the nile
intoxicated by the lingering scent of ancient fermentation
i exhale myself out passed the desert
and into the land of the jerk pork
the akume, fufu and stews of the senegal kind
and i feel at home
i've found my way to the heart that matters
free from the apple pies...especially those of the mcdonalds kind.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today surely is a piece of a magnificent turd!:)?!

i wish i new the story of tomorrow
maybe with the morning paper
there could be a special edition insert
filled with an outline of highlights
which includes a few important and one or two or five not so important bullet points from tomorrow week, a month from now and also July 31, 2012_maybe
or maybe i could just wait
and thrive in a few of today's exceptional and one or two or five not so exceptional moments what made me laugh today
and maybe contemplate over that meal
that meal that led to that burp
that burp that was so beautifully pitched
and i can't forget the stories i had heard today
those from the people i love
and from those i just met and maybe someday might love/hate/sorry...i mean dislike/nothing
ah yes i can't forget those feelings of love
and those feelings of life
and happiness
and being angry
and frustration_damn the frustration
i often think of harnessing all that energy
into hoping for a tomorrow that can at least equal today's fire
or i can take it a step further and feel content
mixed with a little overjoy for this breath and just maybe next one
and say fuck tomorrow
today is the shit!

Friday, August 10, 2007


having to go 50 niggas deep
laced with a bearable funk
my sweat
reveals the intensity of my search
and i dig on
and i dig
and dig
and dig
til i find myself drowning
and gasping
in a 5'7 to 6 foot pool of funk
a funk that is surely of the nauseating nature
but i dig on
and i dig
and i drown
yet i dig
gasping for air_i dig
i dig_i push_i pull_and i yank my way out
or in rather
to a place where lilac scented air is ones compensation for living
as the wind caresses my cheek
while it whistles an impromtu song in my ear
and then carries me away
back to dig
for what it is i really want.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

New ironic french word of the day: froisser (frwah-SEH) - to bruise, to hurt

reg/green eyes.

i lost a friend today
i found myself without choice
and i lost a friend today
the tears that followed
seemed to have been ready
in their own waiting line
til they were ready to fire
the right overwhelming emotional moment
and consume my words
and spit out my feelings
the only way they knew how
i lost a friend and some tears today
i wish they both would have given me freedom
to choose
whether or not i wanted to lose my friend
or if i wanted to damn well cry today
i want my chance to choose
but then i guess i should have made the better choice yesterday


it's in the air now
the scent of trouble
sprinkled with hints of lies
the world is no longer spinning
around that sun
now it floats without purpose
bouncing off planets
and orbiting around constellations
no more days
just nights
and the people
the people have taken to hiding
in the core
the place they once feared
the place that is not home
but keeps them safe
and free to live their new lives
ones without a telling air
but an unrevealing tension
that will someday
melt their souls
into an ash
which will be the only thing in the air

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

x < x y

and so i chose to walk the line
that is never crossed
and is 99.9 % blurred
by rumors of its existence
although it is barely seen
but i walk on
accompanied only
by my thoughts of the end
the end_the place where we will meet
and become an us
and we will walk on
the infinite lines
and ugly asymptotes
and beautiful curves
and forever deviating tangents
life and we create.

in the sea...the sea...the sea that know there's otha fish in the sea that is.

It took a second
to register
up in my brainium
my dome
my head
my skull
my cranium...
-The Pharcyde_Otha fish in the Sea

i pause
before diving in
what if's swimming through my mind
what if it's too cold
what if there are jellyfish
what if there are sharks
i don't want to freeze
while my big toe gets stung
and that shark has my pinky toe as an appetizer
the sea calls
i just can't
i freeze
no not from the water
i havent jumped in yet
maybe i'll creep up on the water
the angles of the sea are far to complex
than any of mine
but yet the sea does not dominate me
the sea asks me
to come
give it purpose
give it a laugh or too
yea i can hardly swim...but i could try...right?maybe
it's still calling
i'm still pausing
but...thinking about it
frustration illuminates the sea
waves crash harder against the shore beyond me
i freeze
the sun appears
rising from the tense sea
its rays start to descend against that same shore
creating a path right into the ocean
no longer frozen
i struggle with these damn clothes
tossing them behind
i begin with a dainty speed walk
and lose my mind
i run and i crash into that sea
i exhale ahhhhh and i pause ahhhhhh
the water...he's nice
and warm.
ay yes the sharks and jellyfish are cool too.